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Dear Sirs,

With this document I would like to inform you about the services that “ASYSTEMS” company for IT (Information Technologies) System Integration & Engineering can provide to you and to your company.

“ASYSTEMS” company for IT System Integration & Engineering consider small and medium size companies and organizations as main business partners and customers which have needs for implementing and using simple or advanced IT solutions. That IT solutions are today necessary for normal operating of every company or profit and non-profit organizations regardless of the kind of business is done, and for communications with other business partners. Off course, these IT solutions must be well balanced in the meaning of its financial costs considering their creation and maintenance.

The main concept of the IT services that “ASYSTEMS“ can provide to you and your company is the oportunity for creating and getting updated and well controled informatical system that will operate in fast and reliable way, and be observed regulary and continiously in the meaning of maintenance. The point of this approach is that every company and emploie in these conditions can sucessfuly and efficialy do their main business tasks, and contribute the generall success of their business, instaed to deal with the IT problems that can be various and frequent and could take lot of precious working time and have negative influence on company business.

In the meaning of all that is sad, “ASYSTEMS“ is presenting the “OUTSOURCE“ approach, where the company is taking other specialized company for creating and maintenancing its informatoinal system. In that way the customer company is saving money through less costs of IT support instead to create its own internal IT support team that will not be more efficient then the other specialized IT support company.

Business cooperation is in general realized through the concrats on the mounthly and annual level, but every other mean of cooperation is acceptiable and can be dealed.

Our main current customers:

- Cooperazione Italiana, Belgrade
- Italian Cultural Center ,Belgrade
- Ministry for the Environment and Territory Republic of Italy, Task Force for Central and Eastern Europe
- IM Projekt d.o.o, Belgrade
- Creditreform d.o.o, Belgrade
- Medium International Development d.o.o, Belgrade
- Gradski zavod za ve
štacenja, Belgrade
- ZAP, d.o.o., Belgrade
- Evropski pokret u Srbiji (European Movement In Serbia), Belgrade
- ADC biro d.o.o., Belgrade
- Power Comm d.o.o., Belgrade

With respect,

Aleksandar Radovanovic

"ASYSTEMS", IT System Integration, Engineering & Consulting
Raljska 7
11000 Belgrade
+381 63 432207

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